Qingdao Haolite Machinery Technology Co., LTD


Tyre classification

2022 Mar 02

Classification by tire pattern

There are many types of tires according to the pattern, but they can be roughly divided into five types:

①Straight groove pattern, also known as ordinary pattern, this pattern has excellent operation stability, low rotation resistance, low noise, especially excellent drainage performance, and is not easy to laterally slip.

② Horizontal groove pattern. The driving force, braking force and traction force of the horizontal groove pattern are particularly excellent, and its wear resistance is excellent. Therefore, it is very suitable for construction vehicles such as bulldozers and excavators. However, the maneuverability and drainage performance of the horizontal groove pattern are poor.

③ Vertical and horizontal groove pattern. The vertical and horizontal groove pattern is also called a comprehensive pattern, which combines the advantages of the vertical groove and the horizontal groove pattern.

④ mud and snow pattern. The mud and snow pattern, as the name suggests, refers to a pattern specially designed for use on mud and snow. He used the letters "M+S" to represent, M for mud, S for snow.

⑤ off-road pattern. The off-road pattern is a pattern specially designed to adapt to dry, wet, rugged mountain roads and muddy and sandy roads.

Welcome to our factory to visit our tire molds,we produce all kinds of tire molds,we will produce tire molds according to your request.