Qingdao Haolite Machinery Technology Co., LTD


What materials are generally used for injection molds?

2022 Jun 02

What material is used for injection moulding? First of all, we need to understand how the selection of injection molds affects the mold?

1) Influence on the service life of the injection mold

Generally, materials with high hardness are used to open the mold, and the corresponding mold service life will be relatively high. For example, if the steel with heat treatment hardness of about HRC50 is used, the mold life can reach 500,000 to 1 million mold times. Otherwise, it is easy to wear and tear, and the injection-molded product is easy to be out of tolerance. Therefore, the selected steel should not only have good heat treatment performance, but also have good cutting performance in the state of high hardness.

2) Influence of plastic raw materials on steel

The raw materials for injection molding and the added fillers have a great influence on the steel, especially the glass fiber has a greater wear on the injection mold. In addition, some plastic materials are corrosive and need to be considered comprehensively before selecting mold opening materials.

Our factory produces all kinds of injection molds,if you need injection molds,welcome to our factory,we will provide the best price and quality injection molds.

injection molds suppliers