Qingdao Haolite Machinery Technology Co., LTD


How long time to change tires

2022 Apr 26

In the case of normal use of tires, it generally takes more than 4 years or more than 50,000 kilometers to be replaced. Tires are related to driving safety and need to be checked regularly. Under normal driving conditions, you can judge whether it needs to be replaced from three aspects.

1. Judging from the age of the tires, experience generally believes that the new tires are calculated from the ground up, and the lifespan is 4 years. After 4 years, it is recommended to replace them regardless of the actual mileage.

2. Judging from the mileage, the drainage groove of the general tire should be worn out after 50,000 kilometers under normal use conditions, or the tire wall is aging and damaged under long-term fluctuation and stress, so it is also recommended to update the tire.

3. Judging from the wear situation, when the tire has worn to the wear mark, it means that the depth of the drainage groove is less than 1.6mm, and the tire must be replaced immediately.

We also need to check and maintain tires at ordinary times, mainly in the following aspects:

1. Usually, pay attention to observe whether the tires have air pressure before getting on the car;

2. Go to the tire store to check the tire pressure every two to three months;

3. According to the car maintenance manual, four new tires should be rotated every 10,000 to 15,000;

4. Look at the production date on the tire. The service life of the tire should not exceed 4 years.

Our factory produces all kinds of tire molds,if you need tire molds,welcome to our factory,we will provide the best price and quality tire molds.