Qingdao Haolite Machinery Technology Co., LTD


Basic knowledge of tire mold

2022 Feb 28

The tire is one of the main parts of the car, it is the only contact between the car and the road. Used in conjunction with rims, it is responsible for the tasks of driving, turning, shock absorption, braking and control. The performance of the new generation of cars is constantly improving, and the original tires equipped with them are more comfortable and durable. As one of the most important molding equipment for tire product processing, tire mold has higher and higher quality requirements.

There are many types of tires, and there are many classification methods: some are classified by vehicle type, some are classified by use, some are classified by size, some are classified by pattern, and some are classified by structure.

By car type:

Tires are classified by vehicle types and can be roughly divided into 8 types, namely: PC-car tires; LT-light truck tires; TB-truck and bus tires; AG-agricultural vehicle tires; OTR-engineering vehicle tires; ID-industrial vehicle tires; AC-aircraft tires; MC-motorcycle tires.

Our factory produce all kinds of tire molds,we have the best price tire molds,and the best quality tire molds,welcome to our factory.
